Our Ethos

We only have four rules:

  1. Take care of yourself

  2. Take care of each other

  3. Take care of the park

  4. Have fun!




Observe ❧ Encourage ❧ Support ❧


Our educators are referred to as guides because at Wild Ferns we believe strongly in inquiry based, child-led learning and play. Guides are there to observe, engage, encourage, and support children in whatever sparks their curiosity. Guides are trail leaders and models of our culture of respect, communication, and environmental stewardship.

Independence & Empathy

Wild Ferns children learn how to care for themselves and each other.

  • When there are conflicts, Guides are there to support peer mediation so that children can come to solutions that work for everyone involved. Eventually kids learn how to solve their own conflicts without adult interference!

  • While hiking all children wear their own backpacks.

  • After eating and at the end of the day all children pack up their lunches and belongings.

  • Being a mixed age program older children are encouraged to help younger ones.

  • There are always opportunities for "volunteers" for opening snacks, zipping up backpacks, refilling water, and pulling our wagon.

Environmental Stewardship Skills

We take care of our beloved Prospect Park and every natural space we occupy. The skills your child will learn include:

  • Play site trash pick-up. All kiddos participate in clean up at the end of our day and we always aim for the campsite rule to "leave it better than we found it"

  • Letting plants grow! Only harvesting from what is growing abundantly

  • Never damaging or destroying trees

  • Observing wildlife, identifying birds

  • Squishing all the spotted lanternflies we find!

Resilience Skills

Wild Ferns is in session in ALL weather, including rain, wind, snow, and cold temperatures. This excludes conditions that are deemed dangerous (e.g. hurricane/blizzard level winds, active shooter, active lightning, AQI of red zone 150 or higher). Wild Ferns children learn how to adapt and take care of themselves in all the elements through the support of our guides. Wintertime brings a special magic as all groups share in sweetened hot herbal tea.

“Great opportunity to get the kids outside!”

— Stefanie, parent of pre-K and 3rd grader

Wild Ferns is so well organized. Ruta does an exceptional job communicating, especially when it comes to inclement weather and potential early dismissal due to high winds or thunderstorms. She comes prepared with hand warmers, head lamps, reflective vests, extra water and gear, you name it - she’s prepared for it!

— Marina, parent of pre-K

“My children bound through the door with enlivened smiles on their faces every Monday, full of stories and happy energy. It's visibly apparent how much the fresh air and freedom impacts them … You owe it to your kids.

— Lauren, parent of 3rd grader and 1st grader